North Shore July 2022

We are recently back from our annual trip to Minnesota’s North Shore, along Lake Superior. We always look forward to our time up there.

We did not see quite as many warblers as I’d hoped, but still pretty nice birding. Warblers I saw: Mourning, Black-throated Green, Black-and-white, Chestnut-sided, American Redstart, Nashville.

I was hoping to see other warblers that I’ve seen up there before but not this time, such as: Black-throated Blue, Cape May, Blackburnian, Magnolia, Canada. The Peregrine Falcons that live at Tettegouche State Park, did not raise any young this year, and I never saw the adults during our time there.

However, I did see two Merlin perch near our cabin.

One thing we did on this trip that we’ve not done previous years, is rent a canoe and take day trips into the BWCA. We went up the Sawbill Trail on both occasions, putting in at Kawishiwi Lake one day and paddling to Square Lake. On the other day we put in at Baker Lake and did short portages to Peterson and Kelly Lake amid off and on showers. We were hoping we may see a Moose but struck out on this count.